Having exactly 2 weeks left till the departure day, I am actually starting to prepare for the trip. Today I went out to buy a big travel case. Having to choose between the colours red, orange and black was very difficult, but at the end I ended up buying a black because it was just simple. After buying the case, I went to many different stores to buy stickers to put on. Even though I didn't really want to put anything on the case, I did since my parents looked like they were more excited than I am to choose stickers. However, we ended up only buying a page of sticker with designed letters for my name. Back at home, I also put on a sticker of Luffy from One Piece.
I think that the process that I went through from the time I was suggested to go to this exchange trip by Heidi and Jill, and till now where I only have 2 weeks left until the departure day was not difficult and confusing, but fun and exciting. Beginning of May this year, I was called out by Jill during class alone. That was when I was first told about the trip, but at the time I thought that I will just say 'Okay, I will think about it' and tell her no later just so I make her feel bad. But later, thinking about this opportunity, I thought I shouldn't let it pass especially because I am unsure of what I want to do in the future. Discussing about the trip with Jill and Heidi, Mari visited Hobsonville Point Secondary School to share this opportunity with other students at my school. When I was told about the trip for the first time, and even when Mari visited our school, my parents were against the idea of the trip. However, after showing them how serious I am about this, they allowed me to go. After that, I filled out the initial and full application with my parents. I think filling out the application was the most difficult part to this whole process. Filling out a form with more than 20 pages, while also having to write a letter with at least 4 pages to my host family. After NZIIU accepted my application, Mari came to my house for an interview. I think the interview was the most memorable and fun part of the process. What I was expecting was an awkward and uncomfortable situation, where I had to answer difficult questions. But what it actually very lively and comfortable. Mari asked many questions for myself and Mother to answer, and I was able to ask her many too. After the interview, the stress, work load and everything kind of loosened up a bit. There was many emails being sent through and out between myself, Mari and Marty, regarding questions, flight and insurance. The only thing that was left was sorting out my Visa and preparing for departure. When I went to apply for my Visa, I was very surprised. It was very different to what I thought it would be like. At the Consular Office, I had to get a number that would be called out when it is my turn. After a long wait, I went to the desk and handed my form and passport. Despite the fact that I waited for almost an hour for my turn, applying took less than one minute. Next week on the same day, I went to collect my passport. I thought the Visa sticker in my passport was very interesting, I stared at it the whole time in the car on the way back. Now I think to myself, I went through a lot for the past 5 months. From this experience, I learnt that the process to an exchange trip is very long and difficult. When I first told Mari that I am interested and was asked to fill out all these forms, I wanted to give up. But now after I finished all those tasks, I realised that it wasn't that bad after all. If I was to do this all over again, I think I can do it with much more ease and relaxed. While going through the process, I am grateful that I was able to find my passion, which was culture and languages.
중국으로 떠날 날 까지 정확히 2주를 남기고, 갈 준비를 하기 시작 했다. 오늘은 가족과 나가서 가져갈 여행 가방을 샀다. 빨강, 주황 과 검정 중에서 고민하다 결국 심플 한 검은색으로 샀다. 가방을 산 후 여러 가게를 돌아 다니면서 가방에 붙일 스티커를 샀다. 솔직히 난 별로 붙이고 싶지 않았지만 부모님의 뜻대로 결국 영문자가 프린트된 스티커 한 장 만 사고 집으로 돌아 왔다. 집에 와서 좋아하는 원피스 루피 스티커를 붙였다. 맘에 든다.
내가 처음 Heidi 와 Jill 선생님들이 이 어학연수 를 추천 받았을때 부터, 지금 현재 출국 2주만를 남기고 있을 때 까지 의 절차는 생각보다 힘들지 않았고 오히려 재미있었다고 생각한다. 5월 초, 수업 도중 Jill 에게 불려져 이 여행을 추천 받았을땐 그냥 예의상 듣고 가기 싫다고 생각했다. 하지만 계속 생각을 해보니 미래에 뭘 하고 싶은지 모르는 나에게 아주 좋은 기회라고 생각했다. 선생님들과 이 어학연수 의 대해서 상담하고, Mari 가 학교에 와서 이 여행 의 대해서 말해줄 때 까지 만해도 부모님 의 의견은 반대 셨는데, 곧 내가 진지한 모습을 보이자 허락 해 주셨다. 그 후 부모님과 Initial Application 과 Full Application 을 써서 제출했다. Application 을 준비하는 것이 아마 제일 어려웠던거 같다. 20 페이지가 넘는 질문들을 대답하고, 난 호스트 할 가족들에게 최소 4장이나 되는 편지를 써야했다. 제출한 Application 을 승인 받고, Mari 와 인터뷰를 했다. 인터뷰는 내가 생각 한 것 보다 굉장히 재미있고, 편했다. 내가 상상한 것은 숨막히는 분위기와 어려운 질문들 이었는데, Mari 가 편하게 말도 해주고, 질문 만 대답하는게 아닌 질문은 물어볼수 있는 기회가 많아서 좋았다. 아마도 이 절차 중에서 제일 재미있던 것 중에서 하나가 아니었을까. 인터뷰가 끝나자 할 것이 많이 줄었다. Mari 와 Marty 가 가끔 보내주는 질문들을 대답하고, 질문도 물어보고, 비행 시간과 표 승인하고. 남은 건 비자 처리와 준비 밖에 없었다. 비자 신청하러 갔을때 엄청 신기했다. 내가 생각한거와 많이 달라서 놀랐다. 중국 영사관으로 가서 번호표를 뽑고, 오랜 기다림 끝에 데스크로 작성한 문서와 여권을 줬다. 기다린건 거의 한시간 이지만, 제출은 1분도 안 걸렸다. 다음주 같은 날에 비자를 받아왔을때, 여권 안에 붙여진 스티커가 신기해서 돌아가는 길에 오랫동안 쳐다만 봤다. 5개월이나 되는 시간동안 정말 열심히 준비 했다. 이 경험으로 처음으로 알았다, 어학연수를 가기 위한 과정이 아주 길다는 것을. 처음 신청 했을땐, 앞으로 해야할게 아주 많다는걸 안 후 솔직히 포기 하고 싶다는 생각도 했다. 하지만 5개월이 지나, 거의 모든 준비가 끝난 후 보니깐 그렇게 나쁘진 않았다는걸 느꼈다. 다음에 다시 한다면 조금 더 재미있게, 편하게 할 수 있을거 같다. 이 과정 겪으면서 난 내가 언어와 문화에 흥미를 느끼며, 더 배우고 싶다는 사실을 알아서 아주 감사하다.